La tana di Mopo: Breve post

Breve post

mercoledì, novembre 10, 2010

Stasera segnalo solamente un blog molto carino, ricco di idee e fantastiche foto. Non so...mi ha colpito...forse per l'aria natalizia del suo ultimo post e per l'idea davvero facile da realizzare :)

Tonight I recommend to you a very nice blog, rich of ideas and beautiful photos. I don't know...but it strikes me...maybe it was the last post's Christmas aria: the idea is very simple to make! :)


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1 commenti

  1. Hi Mopo,
    Thanks for your sharing, that's really a very beautiful blog.
    By the way, it's so much fun when we have the same book, also the same old Necchi! I wonder if there's same something else! :):)
    Take loads of care,
    LoL, xxx


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